Friday 24 August 2012

Year 12 Evaluation

Evaluation: 'A Point of no Return'

One strength I feel was obtained whilst making our opening sequence was how I learnt to use a video camera properly and correctly. I learnt how to fast forward, go backwards and pause so that it would benefit my group's final product. Also I also recognised the importance of the tripod and how, if positioned correctly, can really help professionalise the filming. I also learnt the skills of intricate editing. Before making this short film, I never realised the amount of time and effort that goes into editing the actual material. At first I found it tricky to know exactly when to cut the filming, but as time went on I began to grasp the concept of what editing really was. This is a huge strength to come out of making this film and I feel overall our editing was good. 

One thing to improve on next time would be organisation. At the very start of making this film, we had the wrong type of camera, so unfortunately the filming we did at our original location could not be transferred to our editing programme. Therefore we lost valuable edited clips which would have been great to go with the rest of our filming. 

The most valuable learning to come out of my first year of media studies would be the learning of editing. I feel editing is the most important part of any film and can make or break the final product. The great thing about editing is that there are so many possibilities with it and, done properly, can create almost any atmosphere.

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