Sunday 21 April 2013


Question One

"In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?"


Question Two

"How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?"

For my ancillary texts, I made the decision to create a DVD cover and a magazine cover. Carrying on with my black and white theme, I chose the striking close up image from the start and ending of my video as she is the absolute focus of the whole video. I also feel that the iconic image would be easily remembered and therefore quickly identified with the single/video/Plan B. From the research I completed, I recognised the importance of maintaining a consistent theme/concept for each ancillary text as not only did it add to the professional execution I was aiming for, it connected all of my work together which made it like a real media product.

Question Three

"What have you learned from your audience feedback?"

 As part of audience feedback, I asked Abi who is also in my media class what she thought about the idea of my video and about the costume of my character. I found her feedback helpful and reassuring because she had read my blog and had identified that I had clearly looked upon Ed Sheeran's 'Give Me Love' video as well as my interest in the actress Kaya Scodelario, whom I based my character on.

To get a variety of feedback, I burnt my video on to a disk and asked several people to watch it (family members, year group peers, friends)and then to fill in a questionnaire which can be viewed here.

Below is a podcast I made about the overall feedback I got about my music video.

Question Four

"How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?"

Below is a power point I made for this question. Unfortunately, the narration I recorded onto the power point is not working, so I have made a podcast which is just below. Please play the podcast, and then view the power point whilst I am talking through each slide. Thank you!

Friday 1 March 2013

Editing completed

Today I finally finished all of my editing for my music video and am really pleased with the finished product. In my last editing post,  I said how I wanted to work on the flashback and shots and integrating them with the present shots. I have been focusing on them over the last couple of days and am very pleased with how they tunred out as I was worried it may not look quite right once done.

Below are a few screenshot examples:

Close up of character's face with medium shot of character running in flash back
-Contrast with how she was then to how she is now.

Quick flashback of the character when she was younger when Plan B first says 'Michelle'.

I also decided to edit the shots towards the end with the feeling of reversal. By this I mean I wanted to portray a metaphor of wanting to change/go back in time. To achieve this, I used the same shot at the start with the characterwalking towards the camera, increased the speed and then integrated normal fast shots with reversed shots to create an interesting effect. I also found it fitted with the music well as it wa when the beat was quickening, initiating the climax of the 'story'. I also integrated a shot of the character on the motorway bridge with the slow motion shot of the character running away from the camera to emphasise the character's vulnerability. Finally, I increased the speed of the shot of the cars on the motorway and then also put it into reverse.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Editing Continued

Over the past few days I have continued to spend a lot of time editing my music video. As it is only two minutes, I want to make sure that every single detail is perfect and well executed. 

So far, I have:

-Put majority of clips in order (trimmed/cut/edited colour)
-Added in transitions (cross fade)
-Edited flash back shots to old style black and white

Next time, I want to integrate my flash back shots with the present shots.

Here are some screenshots of some editing I have completed over the past few days:

Cross fade- barbed wire against shot of character sat against wall

Blur- as inspired by Ellie Goulding (blogpost on that can be viewed here)

Sunday 10 February 2013

Ellie Goulding- Music Video analysis of editing

Ellie Goulding- 'Anything Could Happen'

After watching this video, it has made it more clear to me about the kind of editing I want to do to my video. By this, I mean that I would definitely like to add slow motion as I found that in Ellie Goulding's video, it was a simple edit that was very effective (e.g. 0.05-0.07 seconds).   For my video, I could slow down the start of the film when she is walking towards the camera as it would bring attention to her and would convey the emotion and feeling better to the audience. It would also show the surroundings a bit clearer and indicate to the audience the type of situation the protagonist is in. 

What I also liked about the editing of Ellie Goulding's video was the blur they used at the start where Ellie just started singing. It is quite an interesting scene and the blur adds to the mystery and slight uncertainty. In terms of my video, I will definitely use this editing technique as it fits in perfectly with my concept and would work well with some of my clips.

As a whole, the transitions are very smooth and hardly noticeable which is exactly what I want to try to achieve with my video.

Tuesday 5 February 2013


Today I transferred all of the filming I have done so far on to Serif - MoviePlusX5 in order to make a start on editing... 

After a while, I managed to remember how the software worked and completed:

- Uploading clips
- Cutting/trimming clips
- Adding effects (grey scale- black and white, desaturation)

I found it particularly challenging to get the timing of the clips exactly in time with the music. Today, as I was focusing on the start, I found it hard to ensure the character's eyes looked up to the camera just as the first beat dropped. I had to slow down the shot, then trim the shot in order to get it just right. Here is a screenshot of the close up:

Screen shot

Next time, I want to continue sorting the clips into the correct order, and trimming them in order to fit with the music.